
LF850 NRS - 2 1/2"

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Febco: 2 1/2" LF850 Lead Free Double Check Assembly with NRS  Gate Valves

SKU 0683080 {A}

(Previously 0124527)


The lead free MasterSeries® double check valve backflow preventer assembly is designed to prevent the backflow of polluted water from entering into the potable water supply due to backsiphonage and or backpressure in accordance with national plumbing codes and water authority requirements. Its compact modular design facilitates easy maintenance for in-line repairs. It is ideal for protection in continuous pressure piping applications and at cross-connections identified as non-health hazards and for other non-toxic contaminants at the service line entrance. This assembly consists of a fused epoxy ductile iron body using ArmorTek coating technology for advanced corrosion resistance, domestic non-rising stem resilient seated gate valves, top mounted test cocks, two in-line independent positive seating check modules, captured springs, and replaceable check discs and seats.

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